
Indie Developer Profile

About Yolwoocle

Léo “Yolwoocle” Bernard is a computer science student from France passionate about the creation of video games. He never settles on a single tool and is always on the lookout for new challenges, hoping to bring people joy through colorful and lively games. He also loves cycling, rock climbing, improv comedy and those amazing chocolate glazed jelly cookies.

Gaspard, also known as Gouspourd, is a friend of Yolwoocle, and provided additional programming on Birds with Guns. All you need to know is that he’s awesome and a very cool guy.

Simon T.
Simon “Scrub” Triplett is an Apostolic Christian Game Developer who loves any and all things Game Dev, with a credit for the music on Birds with GUns. Primarily using Godot, he loves making interesting titles following strict limitations and researching computer systems of old. He also happens to be a big fan of Root Beer, Swords, and taking long walks through the country side.

Yolwoocle’s Arcade Legend Games